What is liminality?

Hey there, readers, adventurers, life learners and growth seekers! Now that the wheels are turning and I’m knee deep in launching my book, Liminal Spaces, I want to welcome you to my blog where we will dive into the exhilarating concept of liminality and how it shapes our lives. 

Get ready to embrace the unknown, because through these blogs, we're about to embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and support! 

What is liminality, you ask? The word "limin" literally means threshold and simply put, it's the idea of being in-between, of standing at the threshold between what's familiar and what's unknown. It's that transitional phase when we're neither here nor there - we're in the midst of change, and it can feel both exhilarating and unnerving. Liminality encompasses not only that single step towards change, but the entire transformative journey itself.

Think about it, life is full of these in-between moments: seasons of grief, health challenges, the loss of a loved one, parenthood, growth, illness, new beginnings, or shifts in relationships. These are all moments part of the human experience, but they can often leave us feeling untethered and alone, longing for a sense of normalcy. In these liminal spaces, we might experience unfamiliar behaviours and emotions, unsure of how to navigate them. We may even feel the weight of rigid expectations, believing that we must have all the answers right away. Fear not, for you are not alone in these feelings

As I've come to understand more about liminality, I've realized that it's not just about a singular moment of transition; it's about the entirety of the time it takes to move through that change. It encompasses the ages and stages we pass through and it's in these liminal times that the true magic happens! It's about embracing the fact that many transitions take time - some happen in a flash, while others stretch out.

But here's the amazing part: embracing liminality means embracing the messy, beautiful, and transformative nature of change. It's acknowledging that while these in-between moments can be challenging, they are also full of potential and growth. It's about finding the courage to step into the unknown, knowing that on the other side, there's a new beginning waiting for us.

If you're feeling a little lost in the in-between right now, know that you're not alone. Embrace the discomfort, lean into the unknown, and trust that this liminal space is leading you towards something new and exciting. We're all in this together, navigating the twists and turns of life.

Remember: you have the strength within you to embrace the beauty of the unknown and emerge stronger than ever before.

Stay tuned for more insights, information and empowering pieces.

Let's celebrate the liminal spaces that shape us and claim our authentic lives!


What are your liminal spaces?